Structural Care


Something that counterbalances or makes up for an undesirable or unwelcome state of affairs. In the body, compensation patterns develop following an injury. These patterns are a welcome by the body short-term as a coping mechanism. However, the same compensations in the long-run create chronic health problems. A unique feature of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and

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Meninges are a protective rubbery sheath that engulfs the entire central nervous system which includes brain and spinal cord. This covering has three separate layers from the outside-in – dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater. Meninges have been likened to the three layers of orange with Dura Mater, literally meaning strong mother in Latin,

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Posture comes from Latin ponere which means to place or to put. So, a good posture is when your body just puts itself in place such that it gives you an optimum mechanical advantage. The part of the body that deals with this mechanical vantage point or “good posture” is your skeletal system. So, if

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